CHENNAI: On Friday, when the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) declared the results of the All-India Secondary School Examination (class X), awarding grades to students instead of marks, it was time for a triple celebration for schools in the Chennai region.
First, the students were relieved of the tensions usually associated with the mark-based valuation system where a single mark can make or mar one’s future . Second, students of the Chennai region, comprising the southern states, Maharashtra, Goa and the four union territories , scaled a 20-year high in overall success rate. Of the 1,16,927 candidates from the region who appeared in the AISSE, 96.18% were successful, enveloping last year’s record of 95.6%. Add to this the fact that just a week ago, class XII students of the Chennai region set a 16-year record in overall pass percentage.
Incidentally, both the class X and class XII students of the region had set new records in pass percentage just last year, which has been erased now.
The CBSE has not classified students as “passed” , “failed” or “compartmental candidates ” this year. “We are declaring a unique result where candidates who have secured grades D to A1 are declared as ‘qualified’ for higher studies and those with grades E1 and E2 are classified as ‘EIOP’ meaning they are eligible for improvement of performance,” N Nagaraju, joint secretary, CBSE (Chennai region), said.
No failures in CBSE exams this year
CHENNAI: The CBSE has not classified students as “passed” , “failed” or “compartmental candidates” this year. Candidates who have secured grades D to A1 are declared as ‘qualified ’ for higher studies and those with grades E1 and E2 are classified as ‘EIOP’ meaning they are eligible for improvement of performance.
The EIOP candidates would be required to obtain a grade of D and above, utilising chances in July 2010, March 2011, July 2011, March 2012 and July 2012 to qualify for admission into class XI or for higher studies.
Nagaraju, joint secretary, CBSE (Chennai region), said students securing marks between 91 and 100 would be awarded ‘A1’, which entitles them to a grade point of 10. A student scoring between 33 and 40 marks will be awarded ‘D’ , with a grade point of 4.
While such grades and grade points are awarded for each subject, a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) will be calculated for each student by adding the grades of all five subjects and dividing it by 5. Once this figure is arrived at, an overall indicative percentage of marks will be calculated by multiplying the CGPA with 9.5 through a standard deviation method to enable preparing the merit list for admission in Class 11.
“We have already instructed all school principals on calculating the overall indicative CGPA,” Nagaraju said.
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