Practice the numerical problems from Textbook and the typical  numerical problems given here.


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  • State Biot - Savart Law and apply it to determine the magnetic field at a point on the axis of a circular loop carrying current.
  • State Ampere's Circuital law and apply it to find the magnetic field at a point due to (a) A straight conductor carrying current (b) A current carrying solenoid (c) A current carrying toroid
  • Describe the principle construction and working of a cyclotron.
  • Explain the elements of earth's magnetism.
  • Define the terms magnetisation and magnetic intensity.
  • Compare the properties of dia para and ferromagnetic substances.
  • Describe the principle, construction and working of a moving coil galvanometer.
  • Describe the conversion of a galvanometer in to (a)Voltmeter (b) Ammeter
  • Derive an expression for cyclotron frequency
  • What is hysterisis? Draw the hysterisis curve for a magnetic substance and explain the terms retentivity and coercivity. How do these factors help in selecting suitable materials for (a) Permanent magnet (b) Electromagnet
  • Derive an expression for the intensity of magnetic field (a)on the axial position (b) equatorial position
  • Derive an expression for the torque on a current carrying coil placed in a uniform magnetic field
  • Discuss the equivalence of a current carrying solenoid and a bar magnet
  • Discuss the action of a current carrying coil as an equivalent magnetic dipole.
  • How are magnetic lines of force different from electric lines of force?
  • Define magnetic susceptibility
  • Compare the properties of an electromagnet and a permanent magnet
  • Explain the domain theory of magnetism
  • Derive an expression for the potential energy of a magnetic dipole in a uniform magnetic field. What is Bohr magneton? Derive an expression for it and calculate its value.
  • Define the terms magnetic meridian and geographic meridian.
  • What is a radial magnetic field? Draw diagram to illustrate how is it realised in a moving coil galvanometer. What is the advantage of a radial magnetic field in MCG?
  • Derive an expression for the force between two straight parallel current carrying conductors of infinite length and hence define one ampere.
  • Derive an expression for the force on a current carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field.
  • Describe the motion of a charged particle that enters into a magnetic field at right angle. Obtain expression for (i) time period (ii) frequency and (iii) angular frequency. Describe the motion of the charged particle when it enters into the field at a certain angle θ
  • Find an expression for the force on a moving charge in a magnetic field. State Fleming's left hand rule. Find the force on a moving charge when (i) moving parallel or anti parallel to the field (ii) moving at right angle to the field and (iii) at rest. Also give the definition of unit magnetic field.
  • Compare Biot Savarts law and Ampere's circuital law
  • What is Lorentz force? Give some important characteristics of this force. How can it be used to differentiate the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field and electric field.
  • Show that the kinetic energy of a charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field remains constant.
  • Derive an expression for the maximum kinetic energy acquired by a charged particle accelerate din a cyclotron.
  • Why electrons and neutrons cannot be accelerated in a cyclotron?
  • Write the dimensions of (a) magnetic induction (b) magnetic permeability.


  • An electron and a proton travelling with the same speed enter into a region of uniform magnetic field at right angle, For which of these the radius of the circular path will be smaller?

  • A wire of length 0.04 m carrying a current of 12 A is placed inside a solenoid making an angle off 30 degree with its axis, where the field due to the solenoid is 0.25 T. Find the force on the wire. [0.06 N]

  • A galvanometer coil has a resistance of 100 Ω and it shows full scale deflection for a current of 1 mA. How can it be transformed into an ammeter of range 0-1A?

  • An electron moving with kinetic energy 25 KeV moves perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field 0.2 mT. Calculate the time period of rotation of electron in the magnetic field.

  • An electron is revolving around the nucleus of an atom in an orbit of radius 0.53 A. Calculate the equivalent magnetic moment if the frequency  of revolution of electron is 6.6 x 109 MHz

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